Pursuant to the requirements of the Electronic Recording Delivery Act (ERDA) of 2004 and as authorized by the enactment of Assembly Bill 578, which added Chapter 6, section 27390 through 27399 of the Government Code, the DOJ ERDS Program has established Title 11, Division 1, Chapter 18, Articles 1 through 9 of the California Code of Regulations.  The regulations define guidelines, procedures and standards which shall ensure the security of an ERDS.

The ERDA authorizes a County Recorder, upon approval by resolution of the Board of Supervisors and System Certification by the DOJ ERDS Program, to establish an ERDS for the delivery, and, when applicable, return of specified digitized and digital electronic records that are an instrument of real estate transactions, subject to specific conditions, including system certification, regulation, and oversight by the ERDS Program.

The ERDS web page has been established to provide County Recorders and interested individuals with ERDS Program information. The web page contains ERDS Laws and Regulations, Forms, Frequently Asked Questions, ERDS Program Contact information, and ERDS Handbooks. The ERDS Handbooks describe the procedures to obtain System Certification, Vendor of ERDS Software Certification, and DOJ Computer Security Auditor Approval. All documents needed for application submission can be downloaded from the ERDS web page at http://ag.ca.gov/erds1 or obtained by contacting the ERDS Program at:

Department of Justice
CJIS Operations Support Bureau
Electronic Recording Delivery System Program
P.O. Box 160526
Sacramento, CA 95816-0526
Telephone: (916) 227-8907
Fax: (916) 227-0595
E-mail: erds@doj.ca.gov